CleanXy India
4 min readJul 27, 2021

We at CleanXy believe that cleaning and organization has a huge role in our lives. In today’s blog, Anannya talks about some noteworthy home organisation techniques to ensure a decorous lifestyle!

When it comes to studying, there is a heavy emphasis on proper organisation — where you study, separates an efficient or smart-working student from a hard-working one. You have to be organized, systematic and methodical in order to achieve success and utilize your resources parsimoniously. To achieve the best results, it is important to maintain this routine on a daily basis. The best way to get fully organized is to organize your study room — in your dorm or at home — and achieve a certain level of comfort in this area so you won’t mind spending countless hours there.

Here are a few techniques, which can help you get in the zone, especially during this era of online learning:

1. Remove all distractions

This may be the biggest problem for most of the students in this technologically dependent age — there are just too many distractions around us at all times! Smartphones, TVs, computers, fridges, beds and other people divert their focus away from important work.

The most efficient way to limit distractions is to remove them from your immediate surroundings. Leave the phone in the kitchen, unplug the TV, switch your Wi-Fi router off and forget about sleeping or eating for a few hours. One important thing to remember is that no matter how diligent of a student one is, it is always easy to get distracted. But, using these amenities for your benefit while abstaining from distractions, certainly never harmed anyone.

2. Organize your materials

Many students under pressure tend to own a lot of books either in the form of hardware or software. However, unless organized adequately, these will occupy your entire room or clutter up your desktop in an instant, which might lead to an unwarranted anxiety. That’s why you need to come up with a good system. The most important thing is a proper shelf — regardless of how big it is, you must have one if you want to organize your books. If you have a problem with the space as all students do, think outside the box and, instead of purchasing a huge shelf, make one on your own or create a unique piece that doubles as a headboard for your bed or box compact boxes to store your books.

Make multiple folders within folders to organize your desktop space and label each document accordingly to save time and energy. This will ensure an organized work space and an aplomb mind.

3. Declutter the clutter

Students possess too many things and bring too much stuff into their rooms — and that’s only natural with the abundance of books, magazines, foods and drinks that go through their hands every single day. Not to mention, the abundance of wasteful materials on your desktop. But, if this mess overtakes you, you’ll be frustrated and unable to hit the books.

Find time to clean your room once a week and figure out what you do and don’t need in your study area. Keep a separate folder for entertainment on your desktop, away from the study materials. That way, you’ll leave enough time for studying and won’t have to waste precious minutes cleaning day after day.

4. Comfort is Key

Nobody likes to be uncomfortable and you definitely shouldn’t be while you study. As an online learner, it’s easy to roll out of bed and start your schoolwork. While comfort is key, you need to draw the line between comfy and too comfy. This means you may want to change out of your pajamas before you hit the books. This way, you’re telling your brain it’s not time to nap, it’s time to learn.

Think about your desk and chair, too. You want to make sure your chair is comfortable with good support and won’t hurt your back as you’re busy reading and writing. Don’t forget to make sure that your computer monitor and chair are set to heights that are comfortable for you so you’re not injuring your neck or wrists. Lastly, keep your space cool and well lit. If it’s too hot or too cold, or if you’re straining your eyes to see, you’ll be easily distracted. Research shows that productivity is at its highest when the temperature is between 72°F and 75°F.

That’s it! That is all the revving your engines will take to mark upon your path to success! Remember, a clean space reflects a clean and organized mind!

To know more, keep watching this space!

Signing out, CleanXy!

